Dear readers,
On this spring morning, I feel sharing a vision that has been driving me for several months now, an idea that I would like to see flourish.
The emancipation of African youth is definetely the constant object of my thoughts and I believe in the emergence of peoples through education and training. It is precisely on this axis that my Non-profit Myafryka Avenir is based.
A great man once said "I had a dream..." and you know the the following.
My dream is to believe that it is possible to eradicate poverty, whether intellectual, material or spiritual. Let(s get back to the subject, it is true that an educated population is the foundation of an independent society, and to achieve this ideal, people must be willing to learn and think...However, if we believes the adage "hungry stomach has no ears", we cannot ignore, above all, basic needs such as access to health or food. Food is an essential need, which is why agriculture is a key sector in the development of every scountry in the world. Some African countries in terms of agronomy meet difficulties, which when they are not due to weather, relate either to the low production capacity on an industrial scale or the lack of efficient factories for the transformation of raw materials, these two obstacles are also juxtaposed with the need for professional and contemporary training in the areas of agriculture and livestock.
The identified situation leads me to a reflection: How can I help? or at least participate in finding solutions to respond to this issue? Wich is the development of the agricultural sector through training in Africa.
Training young people in these trades is a means both of increasing production capacities in terms of human resources and also of broadening the scope of career possibilities in a promising sector.
The idea that germinates in my mind at the moment is to offer the possibility to a targeted audience that is not always expected in this field: young girls.
So here is the new project in which I decided to invest myself, the creation of an academy of young women farmers in Congo with my Non-profit MyAfryka Avenir for a certain step towards food autonomy. This project is not an easy task, all types of advice or support are welcome, so as I often tell you, do not hesitate to contact me if you wish to provide your support.
Looking forward to reading you,
Mrs. Prue